September 8 2013

Already a week into September and almost a month since I've been in Hong Kong so of course my monthly bout of homesickness came, add that with stress and PMS and you have a full blown panic/anxiety attack. I hate those to the moon and back, I mean it's the worst ever, I can't sleep all night and I feel like I'm dying even though I have absolutely no idea what dying feels like thank gawd. 

At first I had no idea why or what I would be stressing about when Tony and the girls said that's the reason for the attack but after sitting down and thinking about it I came to the realization that I have been stressing....about my weight. This last week my 3 favorite shorts have been extra snug and seemed smaller than usual when I put them on and that horrified me. I know it's stupid and nothing to be worried about because I have been eating well and exercising every day but it never occurred to me that the dryer i've been using for the past week could in some way be responsible for my shrinking shorts so I washed another pair of cotton shorts to see if it was my ass that got bigger or the dryer being an evil piece of machinery and shrinking them so I freak out and have panic attacks. 


I feel better now. I can be an emotional mess at times and I know my brain has a few loose screws here and there (some may argue that all my screws are loose but we won't go there right now). I think I'll air dry any other laundry I was so I can avoid any future freak outs.

Other updates include: 
• getting bitten by black fleas (some hybrid creature between sand flies and fleas) their bites are small and itchy and they're of the devil.
• I only have 2 weeks left here then I'm going to the States to annoy the crap out of Tony for a month and I'm so freaking excited!!!!!!! 
• I'm pmsing this week so it's a bundle of emotions and why did women have to be cursed with such a thing as PMS and PERIODS?!?! 


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