Escalator Etiquette 101


 invented to help ease human traffic and to make life easier for people who don't want to walk up and down stairs. another one of mans great inventions that come in extremely handy.

I personally prefer to walk up and down escalators or just use stairs if there are stairs available, it's great exercise and it helps me get in my daily steps ( I aim for 10k steps a day but I fall short every now and then because I'm not super woman and sometimes I'm lazy) but it's impossible to walk up or down the escalator when people are standing left right and center blocking every which way causing me to have to come to a complete halt and wait for them to either get to the top/bottom or move to one side.

I think schools should teach kids here the proper way to use escalators, actually schools should teach people how to walk in public in general but that's another subject entirely and one that I could rant on and on and on about so we'll just stick to escalators for now.

So because schools don't teach people how to use escalators properly I'll give you a few pointers that are very important and will make you a much better citizen and I won't want to ring your neck if you happen to be in front of me.


yes you heard me. go to the right side and stay there until you reach the top, this also means shopping bags, strollers and any other hand held things you might be carrying with you stay on the RIGHT side that way people like me can walk past you on the left side with ease.


this happens every day and makes me want to run over people. how hard is it to simply move to the side and then check your phone or stand still and think?!?!?! there's no need for you to suddenly freeze in front of the escalator causing a traffic jam and ruining everyones mood. so please, take a step to the side out of everyones way and save yourself from being run over or yelled at.


this is for safety reasons, you know in case the person in front of you or behind you suddenly loses their balance and falls over causing everyone to tumble over like dominos and knocking their heads or spraining their ankles or anything worse than that. especially if you're with a young child or carrying heavy groceries or bags or anything else. do yourself and everyone else a favor and hold the rail. that's what it's there for, to be held, they want you to be safe so be smart and do so.

in case you know anyone who lacks this vital knowledge kindly send them to this page so they can educate themselves and help make Bangkok escalators a more enjoyable place


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